I am an Associate Professor at Vilnius University, teaching and researching mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics. I have a computer science and philosophy background and completed my PhD in mathematics at Vilnius University in 2016.


  • Creighton University, B.Sc. in Computer Science (2004)

  • Vilnius University, B.Sc. in Mathematics (2010)

  • Vilnius University, M.Sc. in Mathematics (2012)

  • Vilnius University, PhD in Mathematics (2016)


  • Lecturer at Vilnius University, 2016-2022

  • Associate Professor at Vilnius University, 2022-

E-mc2 written on chalkboard
E-mc2 written on chalkboard
Recent Projects
round white and black analog watch reading at 9:10
round white and black analog watch reading at 9:10


  • Harvard's CS50 capstone project. An implementation of NBA game predictions. Technology stack: Flask, TailwindCSS, HTML, and SQLite. GitHub repo

  • Harvard's CS50 Web capstone project. An implementation of a web calendar app. Technology stack: Django, vanilla JavaScript, TailwindCSS, HTML, and SQLite. GitHub repo

Ongoing Projects

A chess application. Currently working on fetching the PGN files on the backend. The backend uses the Spring Boot framework. GitHub repo

mathematics computation
mathematics computation